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Carly's Blog
Tuesday, 21 March 2006
Patrick and Me
Patrick and I got realy talkative and I noticed that he was getting distracted while we danced.

I turned around and I saw Robin standing there and I wondered what she would do to tick us off.

As only Robin can ! Little Miss can't be wrong always worms her way into my business and I want to be like the bird to eat her alive.

Robin asked to talk to Patrick and I watched as he was standoffish with her.

She tried to apologize to him and she asked me why I wasn't saying anything to her.

I told her that I was in awe of her and I couldn't believe how she was talking about nailing Patrick.

I gave her an ear ful and I told her she only hurt herself.

I told Patrick that I was gonna set up a game of pool and then then later on I told him that we were on the road to nowhere when he returned back to me and I told him I was going to put on the breaks.

I left to go back to metrocourt and Jax walked over to me as I worked on the books.

I told him I left Patrick because I was thinking about him.

He talked about sleeping with me! God he's so forward I am loving it he's my kinda guy.

I could get used to all this attention.

Jax told me that Nikolas told Alexis that we were sleeping together.

Jax and I began to dance and I finally felt good about myself.

Posted by canadalovesgh at 12:01 AM EST
Updated: Friday, 7 April 2006 9:34 AM EDT
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